Sunday, April 18, 2010

Holokauston Newspaper

Over nine million Jewish citizens have already lost their lives as a result of the racial prejudice, dished out from the Nazi Party. Which is lead by no other than the cruel, and in-sensitive Adolf Hitler (goes by Hitler). Hitler has shown no mercy to any of the Jewish, and if things aren't chaged soon, there might be only maybe one million Jewish lives left.
The plan "The Final Solution" is soppoased to rid of all "Jews" and leave their race extinct with absolutely no way of being able to create any form of Jewish children. As a result to this, Hitler and the Nazi Party are in the process of setting up Concentration Camps, which are camps that are soppoased to dislodge all of the Jews' lives. The idea of this camp is to rid' all Jews of their existance. With absoultely no sign of the German's surrendering, much of the Jewish population has either been excommunicated or have suffered major abuse, and are having their last breaths.
Leaving many Jewish familes to pray that they will stay alive until the next day only wishing to see their familes who most of the time, been isolated without their familes being notified. Which are how these Concentration Camps are ran.

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