Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Financial Report.

Financial Report Summary:
The Finance Team is responsible for all of the financial modeling jobs during this time period.

Financial Report:
With the unemployment rates reaching nearly as high as it has ever been before, women were struggling to find reasonable jobs. The demand for teachers, sales persons, telephone operators, nurses, social workers, file clerks, and secretaries has shot up through the roof, and are now the most popular jobs for women during these early years of the 1940’s. There have been a very low amount of worries for the men, for most of them are in the war, and they are leaving behind their wives and their children, leaving the wives to find work for themselves.
With the need of jobs rising from the women population, they are going into factories such as FORDE, and CAROUSEL making new inventions, bombs and aircraft parts to send over to the war.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Holokauston News Paper

Health and Medicine:

Diseases Affecting the World:

Polio is becoming an annual epidemic during this time period of the 1940’s. Polio is experienced with these following symptoms: paralysis, pain, weakness, in coordination, deformity, and fatigue.

Polio is caused by a virus which often results in an acute infection. This infection is usually associated by young children getting infected by this virus-borne disease. Parents are becoming scared every time one of their children has complaints of sore throat, or being over heated (a fever) they fear that is associated with the polio disease.
When polio invades the nervous system, over about twenty five percent of the patients suffer of mild cases, and about seventy five percent of the patients have a very serious case, such as paralysis in the arms, and legs. But when paralysis reaches the muscles of the suffering patients throats death is a major possibility.

In conclusion, sense polio affects more children they were also the most applicable to spread it to others.

Atomic Bomb—Soviet Union (SU):

At a remote test site at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, the USSR successfully detonates its first atomic bomb, the secret and or code name is "First Lightning." In order to measure the effects of the blast, the Soviet scientists constructed buildings, bridges, and other civilian structures in the vicinity of the bomb. They also placed animals in cages nearby so that they could test the effects of nuclear radiation on human-like mammals. The atomic explosion, which at 20 kilotons was roughly similar to "Trinity," the first U.S. atomic explosion, destroyed those structures and burned the ashes of the animals. Meaning that the animal’s ashes were burned, and the buildings and other structures built by scientists to test the bomb were also destroyed. The long term effect of this bomb, and or the rough side of this new invention is that once used you can’t take it back. Many others will start making these bombs and wrecking everything within miles of the bomb’s explosion.

Diseases Affecting the World:

Soilders in the war are facing pnuemonia, caused by being exposed to elements that attack their respitory systems. Many other diseases are being faced on the "field" because of contaminated water and not being able clean their bodies, this can end up causing disentery.
In many countries currently, their are being shots created to cure these following diseases, Tetanus* SmallPox* Diphtheria* and Pertussis*. These shots are expected to be in the bodies of many by the late 1940's.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Holokauston Newspaper

Advice Column:

Dear Emma,

I completely understand where you are coming from with your situation, of your loneliness without your husband with you. Many people are in the same place that you are with your husbands and loved ones out at war, leaving behind a silent absence. I personally know exactly what you are going through because my husband is out in war too. It’s very hard not being able to wake up with him beside you or to just simply feel the comfort of knowing that he was safe in his office at his work location. Now that he is gone and not in his office, I feel this sudden urge come over me, this sudden feeling of despair and solitude. I miss feeling comforted, too.

So just know that you aren’t alone. What I would suggest doing is to find something that you love to do, and put all of your sadness into that. Maybe Baseball, maybe factory work, whatever is helpful to you and to others. Find that place where you feel empty the most… and fill it!